Library Services
2. Card basis 7 day Issue.
3. I Card basis only Reading Room Issues.
4. Extra Books On the demand of students.
5. Issue of Question set on I card basis .
6. Issue of Periodical Reporters in Library Reading Room on I card Basis.
7. C. D. Issued for Students.
8. Book bank facilities for SC,ST students.
9. New acquisition List display.
10. Ready reference services available for students
11. Current awareness Service.
12. Personal Guidance for use of Library to the User.
13. Selective dissemination of Information service.
14. Evening Library facility during exam Season.
15. Suggestion Box facility.
16. Xerox facility etc.
17. Paste control for preservation of books.
18. Provision of vacuum cleaner for dust free books and Some of the important and major decisions taken by the LAC are summarized as below.
Enrichment of the library through the collection of the various legal and non legal titles, .authentic CD’s various Charts and Maps.
To subscribe foreign journals like All England Reports, Halsbury’s Laws of India. AIR Manuals etc.
To establish a Law Research Center.
To start a Networking Lab for the students.
Budget allocation
Ensuring maximum use of books and journals
Providing orientation for the students regarding using the library resources.
Providing adequate space to regular readers, students, teachers, researchers and girls.
Exploring possibility of establishing academic ties with other libraries.
To suggest measures for providing prompt and efficient service.
1. The advisory committee takes active part in the management of Library services and gives suggestions from time to time.
2. System of open access.


Shri Shivaji Law College Parbhani, a premier Institute imparting legal education was founded by the famous Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Aurangabad on 15
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