NAAC Reaccredited With B++ Grade (2017)


Affiliated To Bar Council of India




LL.B.Three year course–

As per Bar Council of New Delhi, UGC, Government of Maharashtra and Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University,Nanded.

1. Those who are seeking admission to LL.B (Three years course) should have secured a minimum of 45 % and above marks in Degree. examination recognized by the S.R.T.M University Nanded or any other University which recognized by UGC.
2. The admission process is as per the rules of S.R.T.M University,Govt of Maharashtra, UGC and Bar Council of India from time to time.
3. The candidate seeking admission should submit the Originals and Attested photocopies of the following documents along with the application form.
  • Mark list of the qualifying examination.
  • Transfer Certificate.
  • S.S.C Certificate.
  • Migration Certificate ( for the students
  • coming from other University)
  • Caste Certificate ( for the students
  • claiming caste benefit)
  • Eligibility Certificate.
  • Income Certificate.
  • Two copies of E.B.C application ( if necessary).
  • Three passport size photographs (Black and white).
  • Scholarship sanction number for those who are eligible for scholarship.
  • Gap Certificate ( if necessary )
  • 4. Admissions will be closed once on either following Expiry of last date for admission or Seats filled as per allotment.
    5. Students have to pay all the necessary fees as per the fees structure at the time of admission, fixed by S.R.T.M.University.
    6. No admission, once given will be cancelled; if any student applies to cancel his/her admission, he/she has to pay the full fees for that
    7. The reservation policy for the admission and Scholarships will be as per the rule of Govt and S.R.T.M. University, Nanded.

    Rules for Attendance-

    1. 75% attendance for all theory classes and practical is compulsory.
    2. Continuous absence for classes will be liable for action as per rules.
    3. Attendance for college Tests, Tutorials and Term Examinations is compulsory.
    4. Performance of students throughout the year will be monitored and if found necessary will be reported to parents.

    BSL.Five year course.


    As per Bar Council of New Delhi, UGC, Government of Maharashtra and Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded

    1. Students seeking admission to BSL (Five years course) should have secured a minimum of 45 % and above in 10+2 (HSC) standard examination conducted by the Board or any other examination equivalent to it.
    2. All the admission procedures is as per the rules framed by the Swami Ramanand Teerth University, Nanded, Govt of Maharashtra, UGCand Bar Council of India from time to time.
    3. The candidate seeking admission should submit the originals and Attested photocopies of the following documents along with the application form.

    1. Mark list of the qualifying examination.
    2. Transfer Certificate.
    3. S.S.C Certificate.
    4. Migration Certificate (for the students coming from other Board)
    5. Caste Certificate (for the students claiming caste benefit)
    6. Eligibility Certificate.
    7. Income Certificate.
    8. Two copies of E.B.C application ( if necessary).
    9. Three passport size photographs (Black and white).
    10. Scholarship sanction number those who are eligible for scholarship.
    11. Gap Certificate (if necessary)
    4. Admissions will be closed once the sanctioned number of the students in the class are admitted or on the expiry of date fixed by
    5. Students have to pay all the necessary fees as per the fees structure at the time of admission, fixed by S.R.T.M.University.
    6. No admission, once given will be cancelled; if any student applies to cancel his/her admission, he/she has to pay the full fees for that
    whole year, and Registration fees once paid will not be refunded on any circumstances.
    7. The reservation policy for the admission and Scholarships will be as per the rule of Govt and S.R.T.M, University, Nanded.

    Rules for Attendance –

    1. 75% attendance for all theory classes and practical is compulsory.
    2. Continuous absence for classes will be liable for action as per rules.
    3. Attendance for college tests, Tutorials and Term Examinations is compulsory.
    4. Performance of students throughout the year will be monitored and if found necessary will be reported to parents.

    DTL. One year Diploma in Taxation Law course.


    Admission into POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN TAXATION will be as per the rules of S.R.T.M.University, Nanded. The candidate seeking admission should submit the originals and Attested photocopies of the following documents along with the application form.

    1. Original Transfer Certificate with Three certified true copies.
    2. Three certified true copies of marks memo along with original Three certified true copies
    3. An eligibility certificate in the case of student coming from other university.The eligibility certificate should be obtain from the S.R.T.Marathwada University.Students must obtained provisional/final Eligibility certificate before taking admission in the college.
    4. A letter of authority from those who are in service
    5. An application for free studentship with income certificate in the case of economically backward class students
    6. The students will have to observe the dress code prescribed by the college.
    7. The students will have to pay necessary fees at the time of admission
    8. Eligibility fees should be paid in case of student coming from other universities or from other States as per rules.
    9. Examination form will not be accepted unless all the fees is paid, fees structure.schedule is subject to variation from time to time.
    10. Two copies of passport size photographs (Black & White)
    11. Gap certificate (if necessary)

    Rules for Attendance –

    In order to qualify for appearance at the university examination every student must attend at least 75 % of the lectures delivered in each subject.

    LL.M Two year Post Graduation Course.


    1. Students seeking admission in LL.M. course must qualify LL.B. degree either in 5 years or 3 years course from SRTM University or from any other Statutory University.
    2. Students should apply in their own hand writing in the prescribed form. The prescribed application form will be supplied along with the prospectus on payment.
    3. The candidate seeking admission should submit the originals/Attested photocopies of the following documents along with the application form.

    • College Leaving / Transfer Certificate .
    • LL.B. Marks Memo (Original)
    • Certified true copy of LL.B. Degree Certificate.
    • An Eligibility Certificate in the case of students coming from the other Universities.The Eligibility Certificate should be obtained from the S.R.T.M.University, Nanded as per rules. The student who fails to produce the final eligibility certificate before the end
    • of first term will not be granted that term.
    • A letter of authority (No Objection Certificate) from those who are in Service.
    • An application for free-ship with income certificate should be submitted by the economically backward students as granted by the Government.
    • A validity of caste certificate in the case of Scheduled Castes, Tribes, NT and OBC
    • Two copies of pass port size photographs (Black & White)
    • The applicant must submit the migration certificate for (those who havequalified their LL.B. Degree from other than S.R.T.M.University, Nanded)
    • Gap certificate , if required.
    • Scholarship sanction number, if required.

    Rules for Attendance –

    In order to qualify for appearance at the university examinations, every student must attend at least 75 % of the lectures delivered in each subject.

    Research in Law (Ph.D)


    As per the S.R.T.M.University, Nanded and UGC norms.


    As per the Government of Maharashtra and Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded the college has provision of reservation of seats i.e. 50 % total seats.


    Shri Shivaji Law College Parbhani, a premier Institute imparting legal education was founded by the famous Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Aurangabad on 15


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